Friday, April 15, 2011

More Spooool- Krapp's Last Tape Continued...

As I was confused with what to blog for this week, I decided to write more explanation about Krapp's Last Tape. The play itself becomes more meaningful as one reads it for the second time. When I read the play for the first time last week, I was confused with the opening scenes of the play. This time, the play seemed more meaningful even with the words that did not make sense in the first place. The most astounding thing one notices about Krapp's Last Tape is the manner in which the three Krapps relate to each other. It is quite right to note that the three Krapps are entirely separate from one another, enough so that they become wholly separate entities. The young, middle-aged, and old Krapp are, at least while listening to the tapes, entirely separate people. It is not incorrect to note that, while the actions of the younger two Krapps directly influence the state of the eldest Krapp, while isolated via the tapes, each Krapp is, at least apparently, an entirely different person.

What one learns from Krapp's Last Tape applies to the self, and to everyone, it is a commentary on memory itself. When it is realized that, in memory, each and every event, each person that is thought of or imagined, is entirely separate from any related event, person, or imagining thereof. Krapp demonstrates that a person is a unique and separate individual at every point in time. Beckett seems to be showing that it is not enough to simply thing of an individual by name, but also by time and action. It is not enough to simply name a person, as that person may be entirely different depending on the time of reference. If one was to talk about "Krapp," the question arises: which Krapp? The young Krapp? The elder Krapp? A Krapp that you did not hear on the tape? Only through careful consideration can this be resolved. Besides looking at the lecture notes, I also decided to see this clip which was helpful to see the emotion that Beckett portrayed:

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